
A gentle start to the day – getting out after breakfast in the hotel at 10am and off for the tube. The plan being to catch the Bakerloo line down to Piccadilly Circus and then start wandering. However once through the turnstiles we dicover Bakerloo line has severe delays to point of not running due to someone on the tracks.

So change of plans and onto District and Circle to Glocester Street and change lines heading back to Piccadilly Circus anyway – just a slightly longer route. Up to ground level and work out our directions then start wandering towards Covent Garden.

Stopped along the way to see what shows are on at the moment and apart from Lion King nothing really grabbed us as something we would all want to see, so no show tonight.

Did some shopping then headed for Trafalgar Sqaure to check out the pidgeons, then onto gardens to hunt for squirels (saw only one) and some lunch near Buckingham Palace.

We then walked up through Green Park, past all the high end jewelery and onto Hamblys to check out the various toys and stuff. Then round the back to Carnaby Street and Dr Martin shopping for Dana and Sam.

Back to the tube and returned to the hotel mch poorer than we headed out this morning.

Tomorrow is heading off to Camden Markets, then fill in the rest of the day till we have to head out to Heathrow for our 10pm flight to Dubai, then onto Sydney landing at 6am Monday morning.