Florence to Rome

So “checkout” of the apartment was easy, they checked the electricity meter and we had used €5 of power, and wondering just what you had to do to chew through enough for them to have brought in paying, as Simona said at the start they had been stung by someone using excessive power – maybe run the 3 A/C heads at lowest temp 24/7 ?

Taxi appeared almost immediately it was called, and quick trip across town to the station. Waiting for our train and it ends up being 15 minutes late in the end too, but once on it in premium economy it was cool, comfy and fast to Rome, topping out at about 250 km/h.

Once at Rome we tried for a taxi at the station, but long queue and no taxi’s, so decided to walk the sub 1km to our hotel, though cobbles are a bitch with bag wheels 🙁 .

Checked straight in and once cooled down, Nerida and I headed out to check out where we can pick up our Omnia cards tomorrow morning, they are not open on weekends in town – only out at the Vatican, grrrr. Anyway was a “short” 15 minute walk, and we caught the metro back two stops for €1,50 each as that is what we will do tomorrow morning.

Back and a cool drink later, we head out once more for a bit of a walk to check out the area, and after a short stroll we ended up at the Coliseum – we are only a 5 minute direct walk from it.

Grabbed some very tasty gelato on the way back, and now resting before dinner.